Grand Canyon Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Founded: 03/13/2007, Phoenix, AZ
First Manifestation: Phoenix Pride, 04/__/2006 Phoenix, AZ
Requested Mission Status: 12/27/2006
Granted Mission Status: 02/13/2007
Exequatur: 01/08/2008

Mary Margaret MayHam (3M)
Novi: 03/13/2007
FP: 04/11/2008

Mischief S MerryMaker
Keeper of the Chalice of the Cherrytakers
Novi: 03/13/2007
FP: 04/11/2008
AKA: Brother Buddha of the Kind and Plentiful Leaf

Leavia Lafin
Novi: 03/13/2007
Reti: 03/21/2008

May I Dewyou
Novi: 03/13/2007
Reti: 03/21/2008

Isis Lovey Gutentite
Novi: 03/13/2007
Reti: 03/10/2008

Atopa Maytag
Novi: 03/13/2007
FP: 04/11/2008
AKA: Atopa Maytag L’Andromatte of the Dirty Habits
AKA: Atopa Sleepurr-Sofa Our Lady of Broyhill
AKA: Atopa Sleepurr-Sofa The Broyhill Harlot

Bend A Dick
Novi: 03/13/2007
FP: 04/11/2008
Reti: 06/18/2008
Active: 09/16/2010

Frankly Truself
Novi: 03/13/2007
FP: 04/11/2008

Odora Flatulotta
D'Pew the Fragrant
Novi: 03/13/2007
FP: 04/11/2008
AKA: Guard Deeper Throat
AKA: Odora Flatulotta of the Fluttering Habit
AKA: Heidi O's-Mee-O's

B'neatha Sheets
Novi: 03/13/2007
Transferred on: 05/27/2007 from Ima Cummin
AKA: Father Peter Licka de Cocque
FP: 04/11/2008
Reti: 09/02/2009

Guards Phoenix

Brother Gabby DeAnkles
Post: 08/01/2009

Brother Ira Quirelube!
Post: 08/01/2009

Rock n Roll City Sisters
Founded: 08/18/2008, Cleveland, OH

Xena DeCrime
Post: __/__/____
Novi: 11/13/2009
FP: 05/21/2010
AKA: Gabby LeAnkles

Ora Lee Gyfted
Post: 07/23/2007
Big Sis: Odora Flatulotta
Big Sis: Barbi Mitzvah
Novi: 01/08/2008
FP: 05/16/2008
AKA: Ora Lee Wunderbar the Mouth of the Southwest
AKA: Ranya Ragged
Emeritus: 04/18/2012
Reti: 04/16/2012

S. Nappin Pousse
Post: 07/23/2007
Big Sis: Mischief S MerryMaker
Reti: 04/17/2008

Cal I Pornication
Post: 08/19/2010
Big Sis: Mischief S MerryMaker
Big Sis: GCEv3>
Resigned: 06/16/2011

Wisteria Weisenheimer
Post: 07/23/2007
Big Sis: May I Dewyou
Novi: 01/08/2008
Transferred on: 02/08/2008 to Nuns of the Above

Lacey UnderWhere
Post: 08/21/2008
Big Sis: Ora Lee Gyfted
AKA: Post. Ivanna Hummer
Novi: 11/19/2008
FP: 05/20/2009
AKA: Merry Money

V’Gina Dentata
of the Sharp and Pointy Teeth
Post: 08/21/2008
Big Sis: Mischief S MerryMaker
Big Sis: Rose de la Foie de Ta mere
Novi: 10/15/2008
FP: 04/18/2009
AKA: V'gina D'Flambe of the Sharp and Pointy Teeth

Hysteria der Schnappintwat
Post: 09/17/2008
Big Sis: Ora Lee Gyfted
Novi: 06/17/2009

Craven Moorehead
Asp: 09/18/2008
Post: 11/19/2008
AKA: Guard Craven Moorehead
Transferred on: 01/15/2009 to Brother Craven Moorehead
Novi: 06/17/2009
FP: 02/11/2010

Lu Cipher
Cadet: __/__/____
AKA: Cadet Guard Spankee Mein Hie-nee
Novi: __/__/____

Dolly Rama Llama
Asp: 07/21/2011
Post: 10/20/2011
Big Sis: Atopa Maytag

Stella Virgin
Asp: 06/18/2008
Post: 08/21/2008
Novi: 03/18/2009
FP: 09/02/2009

Bearie de Lishus
of the Flaming Creme Brulee
Asp: 05/28/2008
Post: 06/18/2008
Big Sis: Atopa Maytag
Big Sis: Odora Flatulotta
Novi: 08/20/2008
FP: 11/15/2008

Velveteen Vampit
of the Lilliput Playhouse
Post: 10/19/2008
Xcom: 12/11/2008

Tess Defy
Post: 03/16/2010
Novi: 08/19/2010

Felicity N. Debaucheri
the Whore with a Heart
Asp: 01/26/2008
Post: 03/26/2008
Big Sis: Mischief S MerryMaker
Big Sis: Odora Flatulotta
AKA: Felicity N Felchin
AKA: Full Custodian of the White Tears of the One Eyed Christ
Novi: 06/18/2008
Sponsor: B'neatha Sheets
FP: 10/15/2008

Inga Von Schlappenheinie
Post: 08/21/2008
Big Sis: Mischief S MerryMaker
Novi: 10/15/2008
FP: 04/18/2009
Emeritus: 03/18/2012

Lyx M Wright
Guard: 03/13/2007
Reti: 06/__/2007

Ima Cummin
Guard: 03/13/2007
Transferred on: 05/27/2007 to B'neatha Sheets

Spankee Mein Hie-nee
Cadet: 08/01/2009

Hugh Jass
Cadet: 02/11/2010

Gaisha Otaku
Post: 01/22/2011
Resigned: 11/20/2011

Lucinda Zippah
Post: 01/22/2011

Honey B Drippin'
of the Buzzin' Hive
Asp: 03/18/2008
Post: 06/18/2008
Big Sis: Odora Flatulotta
Big Sis: Atopa Maytag
Novi: 08/20/2008
FP: 10/27/2008

Asian Lycan Cookies
Asp: 11/19/2008
Cadet: 01/15/2009
AKA: Arufa OhOh Kami
Novi: 05/20/2009
Father: 11/18/2010
FP: 11/18/2010

Penny Trashun
Post: 06/17/2009
Big Sis: Ora Lee Gyfted
Big Sis: Atopa Maytag
Big Sis: Honey B Drippin'
Novi: __/__/____
Transferred on: 12/17/2009 to Portland SPI, Order of Benevolent Bliss
Transferred on: 02/11/2010 from Portland SPI, Order of Benevolent Bliss
FP: 04/16/2010

Josanna Streetcorner
Post: 09/02/2009
Resigned: 09/15/2011

Post: __/__/____
Novi: 02/11/2010
FP: 01/22/2011

Medea Whoresalot
Post: 02/11/2010
Reti: 06/10/2010

Anna Lee Gyfted
Asp: 11/19/2008
Post: 02/18/2009
AKA: Postulant Chiquitita Verde
Xcom: 03/19/2009
Active: __/__/____
Novi: 05/21/2010
FP: 11/18/2010
AKA: Postulant Rhea Peter
AKA: Margarita Del Sol

Eve All
of the Forbidden Fruit
Transferred on: 04/15/2010 from Palm Springs Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Resigned: 04/22/2011

Yzma Ballzshowen
Post: __/__/____
Novi: 11/13/2009
FP: 05/21/2010
AKA: Ira Choirlube

Jinger Breadman
Our Lady of Baked Goodness
Post: 11/19/2008
Big Sis: Atopa Maytag
Big Sis: Honey B Drippin'
AKA: Postulant Kay Martyr
Novi: 03/18/2009
FP: 09/02/2009

Electra Modification
Post: 11/19/2008
Big Sis: Honey B Drippin'
Big Sis: Mischief S MerryMaker
AKA: Postulant Rhoda Tanoware
Novi: 03/18/2009
FP: 02/11/2010
Reti: 07/19/2012

Courtney Sun
Post: 09/16/2010
Big Sis: Bearie de Lishus
Big Sis: Lesbi Joiful
Big Sis: Xena DeCrime
Novi: 01/22/2011

Marie Elle E'Phant
Post: 04/16/2010
Novi: 08/19/2010
FP: 02/17/2011

Navi Ho
Post: 04/16/2010
Big Sis: Felicity N. Debaucheri
Novi: 08/19/2010
FP: 02/17/2011

Bessie Willduit
Post: 08/01/2009
Novi: 07/15/2010
Resigned: 04/27/2011

Lesbi Joiful
Post: __/__/____
Novi: 11/13/2009
FP: 05/21/2010

Braud Vey Starr
Asp: 01/15/2009
Post: 03/18/2009
Big Sis: Frankly Truself
Big Sis: Honey B Drippin'
AKA: Brud Veystar
Resigned: 11/3/2009

Post: 07/23/2007
Novi: 01/08/2008
FP: 05/16/2008
Emeritus: 06/16/2011

FarmaSue Tickle
Asp: 09/18/2008
Post: 10/15/2008
Big Sis: Atopa Maytag
Big Sis: Ora Lee Gyfted
AKA: Post. Fonda Fellatio of the Flaming Habit
Novi: 10/19/2008
FP: 06/17/2009

Raisa Brau
Our Lady of Whiplash
Asp: 09/18/2008
Post: 10/15/2008
Big Sis: Atopa Maytag
Big Sis: Frankly Truself
Novi: 10/19/2008
FP: 05/20/2009

Olive D Gayz
Asp: 07/02/2011
Post: 10/20/2011
Big Sis: Cookie

Ann Drajynni QueerPunk
Post: 05/21/2010
Resigned: 04/18/2011

Art N. Heaven
Post: __/__/____
Big Sis: Mischief S MerryMaker
Big Sis: Felicity N. Debaucheri
AKA: Yvonne Gelist
Resigned: 07/21/2011

Amora Dat
Post: 09/02/2009
Novi: 12/10/2009
FP: 11/18/2010

Krymia Rivah
Post: 09/02/2009
Novi: __/__/____
FP: 07/15/2010
AKA: Brenda Dover-Moore

Opa Leez
Post: __/__/____
Novi: 03/18/2012

Percy Q'Shone
Post: 03/18/2012

Sera Nae D'Masses
Post: 03/18/2012

Asp: 05/27/2012

Asp: 05/27/2012

Asp: 05/27/2012

Asp: 05/27/2012

Asp: 05/27/2012

Asp: 05/27/2012

Phil McCracken
Cadet: 11/19/2008
AKA: Cadet Bear Lee Vicious
FP: 03/18/2009
AKA: Oso Vicious
Transferred on: 03/18/2010 from Oso Vicious to Phil McCracken
FP: 12/15/2011

Lolly Lustipop
Post: 08/19/2010
Big Sis: Atopa Maytag
Big Sis: Lesbi Joiful
Novi: 01/22/2011
FP: 11/17/2011

Kandee Lyte
Post: 09/16/2010
Big Sis: Krymia Rivah
Big Sis: Lesbi Joiful
Novi: 01/22/2011
Emeritus: 05/27/2012

Gloria de Plummage
Post: 10/21/2010
Big Sis: Krymia Rivah
Big Sis: Xena DeCrime
Compiled by Sister Titania